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Vegane, traditionell handgeschnittene Aleppo Seife mit 4% Lorbeeröl, antiseptische Eigenschaften, für alle Hauttypen geeignet, für vieles Händewaschen sehr gut geeignet, vegan, palmölfrei sehr ergiebig, plastikfrei, minimalistisch...
Content 200 Gramm (1.99€ * / 100 Gramm)
3.98€ * 5.98€ *
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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays
Vegan, traditionally hand-cut Aleppo soap with 5% laurel oil, antiseptic properties, suitable for all skin types, ideal for frequent hand washing, vegan, palm oil-free very long-lasting, plastic-free packaging, minimalistic with a paper...
Content 200 Gramm (1.99€ * / 100 Gramm)
3.98€ * 5.98€ *
Delivery time 1 Workdays
Vegan, hand-cut Aleppo soap with 5% laurel oil in a pouch, traditionally made soap from olive oil and laurel oil, antiseptic properties, suitable for complete body care, long-lasting, palm oil-free, nice gift idea Product Feature...
Content 200 Gramm (2.49€ * / 100 Gramm)
4.98€ * 6.98€ *
Delivery time 1 Workdays
Vegan, hand-cut Aleppo olive oil soap with 20% laurel oil, plastic-free packaging, minimalistic with a paper band, suitable for all skin types, ideal for frequent hand washing, vegan, palm oil-free, very long-lasting, antiseptic...
Content 180 Gramm (3.05€ * / 100 Gramm)
5.49€ * 6.39€ *
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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays
Vegan, hand-cut Aleppo olive oil soap with 40% laurel oil, traditionally handmade, plastic-free packaging, suitable for all skin types, long-lasting and ideal for frequent hand washing, vegan, palm oil-free, antiseptic properties Product...
Content 200 Gramm (4.48€ * / 100 Gramm)
8.95€ * 9.95€ *
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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays
Vegan, hand-cut Aleppo soap made from 100% olive soap, Without fragrances, mild to the skin suitable for all skin types, very suitable for washing a lot of hands, vegan, palm oil free very productive, hand-cut, traditionally produced...
Content 200 Gramm (1.99€ * / 100 Gramm)
3.98€ * 4.95€ *
Ready to ship today,
Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays
Vegane, handgeschnittene Olivenseife aus 100% Olivenöl mild zur Haut, vegan, palmölfrei, für die gesamte Körperreinigung geeignet, Duftnote Hammam handgeschnitten, traditionell hergestellt plastikfrei im Graskarton verpackt...
Content 100 Gramm
2.98€ * 3.98€ *
Ready to ship today,
Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays